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  • Schrödinger Saal @ IQOQI 21a Technikerstraße Innsbruck, Tirol, 6020 Austria (map)

Speaker: Oriol Rubies Bigordà (MIT)

Title: Photon control via lattice dark states in atomic arrays

Abstract: Ordered atomic arrays with subwavelength spacing have emerged as an efficient and versatile light-matter interface, where collective interactions give rise to sets of super- and subradiant lattice states. However, subradiant states are generally difficult to access, as they do not couple to incoming light fields. In this talk, I will show that spatial modulations of the atomic detuning can be used to individually and selectively address such highly subradiant states, often called dark states. Additionally, I will demonstrate that dark states and spatial detuning patterns can be combined to store and retrieve single photons, as well as to control the temporal, frequency and spatial degrees of freedom of the emitted electromagnetic field. Finally, I will present some of the recent efforts to elucidate the behavior of atomic arrays when a large fraction of the atoms is excited.

25 January


3 February
