

We collaborate with several research groups around the world. Here a list of our collaborators during the last years (2020-2023).


Q-Xtreme Synergy Group

In the project Macroscopic Quantum Superpositions (Q-Xtreme, 2021-2027), awarded with an ERC Synergy Grant 2020, and the project Inertial Sensing Based on Quantum-Enhanced Levitation Systems (IQLev, 2020-2022), we closely collaborate with the following experimental research groups:


Cindy A. Regal and Ana Maria Rey groups (JILA, Boulder)

Since 2021 we are collaborating with the experimental group of Cindy A. Regal and the theory group of Ana Maria Rey with topics related to the experiments done in Regal’s lab on controlling the motion of single neutral atoms in optical potentials. Here are a recent work on time-of-flight quantum tomography of single atom motion


Toeno van der Sar (Delft University of Technology, Delft)

Toeno and his group is doing experiments probing condensed-matter physics with magnetometry based on nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond. We have recently worked together on a proposal and exhaustive analysis towards a quantum interface between spin waves and paramagnetic spin baths. This is a novel research line that Carlos Gonzalez-Ballestero is pushing forward.


Arno Rauschenbeutel and Philipp Schneeweiß (Humbolt University of Berlin, Berlin)

With Arno and Philipp we have collaborated during the PhD thesis of Daniel Hümmer in order to understand and circumvent heating in nanophotonics traps and probe surface-bound atoms.


Juan José García-Ripoll and Erik Torrontegui (IFF-CSIC, Madrid)

Juanjo is regular visitor and collaborator at IQOQI, he is an IQOQI visiting fellow since 2019. Our latest joint work is a theoretical proposal to use chirped pulses to individually address quantum emitters from a remote distance. Erik is an expert in optimal control and we have collaborated in a proposal to optimal control to delocalize nanoparticles over large scales.


Fernando Luis and María José (Pepa) Martínez-Pérez (CSIC-University of Zaragoza and ARAID, Zaragoza)

Fernando and Pepa, from the Instituto de (Nano)Ciencia de Materiales de Aragon (ICMA) and the ARAID Foundation, are experimentalists with expertise in magnetic sensing at the nanoscale using nanoSQUIDS. We have jointly worked on a proposal to observe quantum size effects in the magnetic susceptibility of a metallic nanoparticle.


Gerhard Kirchmair Group (University of Innsbruck and IQOQI, Innsbruck)

We regularly collaborate with Gerhard and his group at IQOQI, who do experiments with superconducting quantum circuits. Our latest paper reports the observation of non-Markovian effects of two-level systems in a microwave cavity with single-photon lifetime of 10ms.