Speaker: Davide Candoli (University of Bologna)
Title: Simulation of NMR/NQR observables and spin control for applications in quantum science
Abstract: In the upcoming talk I will present my master thesis work, consisting in the developement of a software for the numerical simulation of nuclear magnetic/quadrupole resonance (NMR/NQR) experiments. The realisation of such a program addressed two main objectives: on one hand, it represents a helpful tool for the interpretation of experimental NMR/NQR spectra; on the other, it served the purpose of studying the potential of NMR/NQR for the scopes of quantum information processing. The entire work is grounded on a complete and thorough study of the quantum description of the involved phenomena, and the reliability of the code has been tested over a wide range of simulated configurations. I will give an overview on the theoretical background of NMR/NQR, outline the structure of the code, and show the details of several performed simulations. Lastly, I will give an insight on the applications of NMR/NQR in the field of quantum information science and present some NQR implementations of qubits and quantum gates as simulated through the developed software.